Sunday, June 30, 2024

Tug Saint-Georges - another trip

 A tug that arrived in Halifax on a barge from the Netherlands has embarked on another long trip as cargo on a heavy lift ship.

The Saint-Georges was one of three tugs built by Damen Shipyard, Gorinchem to a Stantug 1205 design. Twin screw, powered by Volvo engines developing 600 hp total, they are rated at 8.5 tonnes bollard pull. 

Two of the tugs, Dominion Enforcer and Dominion Rumbler were for Dominion Diving of Halifax while the Saint-Georges was for Pomerleau Inc, a large construction company based in St-Georges, QC. They arrived in Halifax December 5, 2021 on the barge Jacob Joseph C towed from Gibraltar by the tug Amy Lynn D, both of which had been purchased by H.R. Doornekamp Construction Inc of Odessa, ON. Once the two Halifax tugs were unloaded the larger tug and tow proceeded to Montreal where the Saint-Georges was offloaded. Amy Lynn D and barge continued on to Doornekamp's base in Picton, Ontario. 

Pomerleau Inc had also acquired the 808 kW (1,000 bhp) tug Intense built in Turkey in 2016 from SNC Lavalin, where it had been used on the new Champlain Bridge project in Montreal. 

Now Pomerleau has decided to transfer both Intense and Saint-Georges to British Columbia and they were loaded aboard the heavy lift ship Poolgracht in Trois-Rivières, QC between June18 and 22.

Poolgracht had also been engaged to carry the two new Royal Canadian Navy tugs Barkerville and Haro from Quebec City to Victoria.They were loaded last week and ship sailed from Quebec City June 27. It will stop at Newport, RI and Port Everglades, FL, possibly to  carry some pleasure craft, before transiting the Panama Canal en route to Victoria. I will cover these tugs in another post.



Saturday, June 22, 2024

McNally tug operations

 McNally Construction Inc has two projects underway in Halifax harbour at the moment and brought in some more "plant" today, June 22.

The longest running project is the extension to the pier at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography. After preparing the seafloor and building a mat, McNally built several cribs which are now in place and filled. At that site the tug D.D.Kaufman (see December 21, 2023) tends to the scows and crane barge used in the work.

Meanwhile at Halifax Shipyard there is also a new pier project underway in its initial stages. That involves dredging contaminants from the seafloor before building the mat and then building and installing cribs.

 The dump scow Pitts No.1 and the crane barge Canadian Argosy at Halifax Shipyard.

PittsNo.2 and another crane barge possible Idus Atwell also set up for dredging.

The dredged material is transported to the IEL dock in Woodside where it is prepared for disposal inland. The IEL dock is owned by the Province of Nova Scotia's development agency Nova Scotia Business Inc. The adjacent Mobil dock (which may also be government owned) is the primary settling area. Irving Shipbuilding Inc also leases most of the area to transfer ship components fabricated at Woodside, to the Halifax Shipyard.

The contaminated material is transfered from the shipyard in the dump scows Pitts No.1 and Pitts No.2 and unloaded by crane and bucket. Initially the tug Mister Joe was shifting the scows, but another recent McNally acquistion, the tug W.A.Reid is now doing the work. It is a sister of the  D.D.Kaufman mentioned above.

 Built by A+B Industries in Amelia, LA in 2016 the 630 bhp twin screw tug was initially named Belinda B for Weeks Marine Inc of Cranford, NJ. Weeks purchased McNally in 2017 and they transferred the tug to McNally in 2022. It was registered in Toronto and renamed November 22, 2022. It steamed from the New Jersey area via the Hudson River and Erie Canal to Lake Ontario and then to McNally's yard in Point Anne, near Belleville.

In late May of this year it departed for Halifax "day tripping" between ports since it has no sleeping accommodation. Stops included Brockville May 25, Valleyfield, Sorel-Tracy, Quebec City, Cacouna, Matane, Gande Vallée, possibly Miscou Island, Summerside, Strait of Canso (likely McNally's base in Point Tupper) arriving in Halifax June 7. 

Today, June 22, the tug Mister Joe arrived from Point Tupper, towing the scow McNally Flat Scow No.1.

The scow was built in 1997 by Steel Style Inc, New Windsor, NY, and comes in at 431 gt with dimensions of 35.41m (116.7 ft) x 12.17 m (39.928 ft). It was registered in Toronto by McNally in 2007. I have not been able to trace any previous names or owners, but Weeks may be a possibility.

Mister Joe is the classic Russel built tug from 1964. Originally the Churchill River it worked in Hudson's Bay then Newfoundland and was renamed by McNally in 2001. They rebuilt the tug in 2014 and again in 2019 with a new wheelhouse, from the original drawings, but with better windows.

It is a twin screw tug of 750 bhp and has towed McNally plant all over eastern Canada. In 2023 Kiewit Corporation acquired Weeks Marine and thus McNally. However there has been no indication of identity change, except some Kiewit inventory numbers appearing on some (as yet unidentified) work boats.


Monday, June 10, 2024

New Tugs - on the way- amended

 The first of a pair of new tugs for Atlantic Towing's Halifax operation departed Turkey on June 9.  The Atlantic Maple is a RAStar 3200-W class tug of 499 gross tons measuring 32m overall x 13,2m breadth x 6,18m depth. Initial indications are that it will have 6675 bhp and an 85 tonne bollard pull, but that may be exceeded on trials. The popular RAStar 3200-W design of "escort/offshore terminal tug" features a sponsoned hull and foil shaped escort skeg on the forepart of the hull. See the fact sheet at: 3220-W

The two tugs will be employed in Halifax where larger container ships (15,000 TEU and more) require greater power and escort capability than the current fleet of tugs can provide. Those large ships now require two stern tethered escorts using the present tugs.

Builders Uzmar initially named the tug Uzmar 161 and have a sister tug Uzmar 162 under construction. Irving Maple has now been bareboat chartered to a ship delivery company and temporarily registered in St.Vincent and the Grenadines for the delivery trip. On arrival in Halifax - ETA July 3 - and after handover to Atlantic Towing it will be registered in Canada.

The new tug takes its name from a previous Atlantic Maple, built by Saint Drydock and Shipbuilding in 1966 as Irving Maple. Designed for ocean towing and salvage it was widely acclaimed as a fine sea boat. The 3200 bhp ice class tug was renamed Atlantic Maple in 1996. The tug figured in many noted salvage operations and long distance tows until it was laid up in 2008 and finally broken up in 2013.

The Irving Maple, later the first Atlantic Maple.

Atlantic Towing Ltd is part of the J.D.Irving group of companies, owned by the descendants of K.C. Irving, who also founded Irving Oil. 

Originally the Irving tug fleet was employed on the Saint John River towing log booms to supply saw mills and the paper mill in Saint John, NB. Appropriately, the tugs were named for softwood (coniferous) trees, such as Cedar, Fir, Pine, etc., When the company acquired tugs to work in salt water, they took the names from hardwood (deciduous) trees such as Birch, Maple and Oak. In later years river work was discontinued. Since then tugs have been named for both deciduous and coniferous trees. There are currently a Beech, Cedar, Elm, Fir, Hemlock, Larch, Oak, Spruce, Tamarack, and Willow in the fleet. (The company's offshore supply tugs are named for birds and their barges are named for species of fish or aquatic mammals.)

When Irving Oil and Repsol developed an LNG gas import facility near Saint John, Atlantic Towing in joint venture with Grupo Reyser, built three heavy tugs for tanker escort and standby at the offshore monobuoy. Two of the tugs adoped a new naming theme and were named Atlantic Bear and Atlantic Beaver. The third tug was named Spitfire III in recognition of the spruce frames and birch plywood skins manufactured by the Irving company for Spitfire fighter aircraft in World War II. Two of the tugs, Atlantic Bear and Atlantic Beaver have been transferred to Halifax to handle the ever larger container ships. They do go to Saint John on the rare occasions when an LNG tanker calls which potentially leaves Halifax under-equipped. The 5,432 bhp tugs sre rated at 72 tonnes BP.

With a second new RAStar 3200-W to be delivered I will go out on a limb (pun intended) and suggest that it will be called Atlantic Birch after another legendary tug of the 1960s. More on that when it happens.


I chose the wrong branch to climb out on. Uzmar 162 has been named Atlantic Ash

There was a previous Atlantic Ash, but its career was brief. It was built by East Isle Shipyard in 1999 (one of 37 similar tugs built at the J.D.Irving owned shipyard). It is a 4,000 bhp ASD tug with Cat engines and Aquamaster Z-drives. After a run-in period for Atlantic Towing Ltd it was sold in 2000 to Mexican interests and in 2004 was renamed Caballo Palomino. It is apparently still in service for Candies Mexican Investments, but does not show up on AIS sites.
